The US & Mexico Border
The land that makes up the United States and Mexico border is one of the most complex and forever-changing spaces. Border policies on a national and state level seem to change weekly or even daily. Surges of asylum seekers fleeing for their lives (worldwide) are showing up asking for refuge. Border wall construction impacts local communities, endangered species, and protected habits to cartel kidnapping, killing, and trafficking drugs and humans. There is no black-and-white answer to much of anything in the space. The one straightforward thing is that the border brings vulnerable people who deserve kindness. All humans, regardless of status, skin color, belief, age, or gender, deserve to be treated with love and dignity and given fundamental human rights. This page has been created to help empower us all to understand the border better and give us tools and resources to change the narrative and help humanize a space that has become demonized. Below is a list of recesses, stories, and links to organizations dedicated to bringing hope, justice, dignity, and education to and about the border. People that work inside refugee shelters and camps, aid teams that bring water into the desert, groups protecting and resorting to the environment, Lawyers providing legal guidance, and much more. We hope this pace helps connect you discreetly to a group(s) that you might be able to support, volunteer with, or talk about with others so more people can have a fuller and more compassionate perspective about our borderlands.